Every Trial, Every Difficulties. Blessed be YOUR NAME

Be Joyful Always; Pray Continually; give thanks in All Circumstances, for this is GOD'S Will for you in Christ Jesus. Do Not Put Out the SPIRIT's FIRE. (1 Thessalonians 5: 16 - 19)

Friday, December 26, 2008

English Youth ThanksGiving Gifts

Just now we have a special Christmas dinner for all the English Youth Supervisor, Leaders & Interns at Roy Chew's house. We have a very very Nice Dinner & Refreshment (CHEESE CAKE). Thanks to Auntie.

Follow by Ice-Breaker led by EX English Youth - Senior Citizens ( Roy Chew, Adeline Chung, Lo Siaw Wei, Luke Tan, Kim Loong).

It was quite fun and this is the first time we having it.

I would like to thank God finally we have successfully did our best for the Lord's ministry in year 2008. Specially thank those English Youth Supervisor, Leaders & Interns for their effort and sacrificial times to do their preparation, equipping & many more, just to make sure the whole things work out fine and in order.

It's great to serve the Lord with Different People.

As a show of appreciation all our Supervisors, Leaders & Interns will get a SPECIAL EDITION Notebook with their own name printed at the cover page. COOL YO!!

We love it so much!!

1) Why the design of this book is Black Colour?
It's the inspiration from the movie DEATH NOTE which show unique & cool.

2) Why put all the photos?
It's the remembrance of people who sweat for the Lord in 2008 and to show belonging.

3) Why printed with names?
I know our handwriting is poor! so please don't ruin the nice design!!

4) Why listed with ten commandments?
It's Auntie Annie Chai's Idea after going through START RIGHT book2 in youth cells.

5) Why inside all Blank papers?
It's because I found out our Leaders & lnterns don't like to write notes, they like to draw notes with pictures. Look at the bulletin!! Look at their Books!! How? ask them !! very beautiful & Creative.

Where's my inspiration has Gone??

No inspiration, Less Blog.

No inspiration,
No Idea.

No inspiration
, No Fun.

No inspiration, No

No inspiration, No Passion.

No inspiration, No Excitement.

No inspiration, No Motivation.

No inspiration, No Entertainment

No inspiration,
No Creativity.

No inspiration, Life is boring.

No Inspiration!! NO LIFE !!!
I live with Inspiration.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

To all my Frenz, Youth Cell members, Family, Supervisor & Pastors!!!




Sunday, December 21, 2008

Let's Have some Fun Quiz

Quiz 1

A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him?

Quiz 2

A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be?

Quiz 3

There are two plastic jugs filled with water. How could you put all of this water into a barrel, without using the jugs or any dividers, and still tell which water came from which jug?

Quiz 4

What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away?

Quiz 5

Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?

Quiz 6

This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. It looks so plain you would think nothing was wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is unusual though. Study it, and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out.

* The Correct Answer for each Quiz will be post at the "COMMENTS" below. Enjoy!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Understanding Men - Jokes

st- Fishy as the Sea

A Thinker asked:
My boyfriend wants to go to a nude beach. The thing is, this beach is for gay men. I asked him why he wants to go there and he said, "Being nude would be fun -- and besides, I'd only want to go there with you!" Do you think he's gay?

A Mr. Married Guy answered:
Sounds real fishy -- as fishy as the sea! Most straight guys wouldn't be interested in going there unless there were nude WOMEN! Seems like he's trying to convince himself he's not gay. I'd be careful about getting emotionally attached to him. If he really is gay, he'll either leave you -- or he'll live a double life!

A Life of the Party answered:
You're over-reacting, hot stuff. I love going to gay nude beaches with my lady. I do it because I don't want straight guys hitting on her all day!!

2nd - My Wife's Birthday
A man asked his wife what she'd like for her birthday. "I'd love to be eight again." she replied. On the morning of her birthday, he arose early, made her a nice big bowl of Coco Pops, and then took her off to the local theme park. What a day! He put her on every ride in the park: the Death Slide, the Wall of Fear, the Screaming Monster Roller Coaster, every thing there was. Five hours later she staggered out of the theme park. Her head was reeling and her stomach felt upside down. Right away, they journeyed to a McDonald's where her loving husband ordered her a Happy Meal with extra fries and a refreshing chocolate shake. Then it was off to the movies: the latest Star Wars epic, a hot dog, popcorn, all the Coke she could drink, and her favorite lolly and M&M's. What a fabulous adventure! Finally she wobbled home with her husband and collapsed into bed exhausted. He leaned over his precious wife with a big smile and lovingly asked, Well, Dear, what was it like being eight again?" Her eyes slowly opened and her expression suddenly changed. "I meant my dress size!!!!!!!

The moral of the story: Even when a man is listening, he's gonna get it wrong.

3rd - I'll Do Anything

A boy is deeply in LOVE with her girlfriend and ready to do anything for her girlfriend.
Boy: I’d go to the end of the world for you!
Girl: Okay, but would you stay there?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

My boyfriend is very handsome but !?

This is for those confusing girlfriend!!
This is not from me but it's from the net both (Question & Adviser)

Questions 1
I've been chasing this boy for a while and finally we hooked up. I have to admit, it was initially based on looks, but now that I know him...he's so dull!!! He has such a poor sense of humour (he likes what I call toilet humour). He the sporting type - so he's fit but he doesn't stimulate me mentally - Is it wrong to dump him?

Of course its not wrong to dump him. You're looking for someone who can keep your interested physically AND mentally. He's just not who you are looking for. Maybe next time, when you want to go out with a guy, get to know him on a deeper level. I hope everything works out! good luck!

Questions 2
Am in love with my boyfriend but am attracted to this other guy. I can't seem to stop thinking about him. He is so good looking and my Boyfriend is not that good looking but i love his personalty which i know matters most. My boyfriend is twice the man Mr. Gorgeous can ever be. He is very proud and a chauvnistic pig at that. He is a big flirt too. The kind of guy you know you can never have solely to yourself. My boyfriend on the other hand is a loyal friend you can trust him with your life. I know am crazy but the package is all so attractive. He is well groomed which is a big turn on for me. I have tried one million times to get my boyfriend that way but he is such an "african man" if you know what i mean. He says"why waste time brushing your hair to be smoothe when you can just comb and run along, there are millions of naira to be made out there it wouldnt wait for Mr. Sleek Hair you know" i know he is right but i can't help but…

U would always and always see other guys who would attract even more than this one u are talking about. The truth is that u need to priorities what u want in a guy. Love or attraction then go for it. Remember love has nothing to do with looks. Do to others what u’ll want them do to u.

Questions 3
If Your Boyfriend Said "you're Beautiful But There Are Still Many Hot Girls Outside." How Would You React To It And What Would You Think Of Such A Man?

First of all, men never stop looking until they're dead. Women have a right to look too, and don't let anyone tell you that they don't. Second of all, that was a loaded question. Let's face it, the answer he gave was tactless, but don't ask a question like that if you might not like the answer. If he's honest, she gets hurt or angry, if he's not, she'll end up hurt and angry. It's a lose-lose situation.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

how to deal with the guy you dumped

You may not understand your ex's PDH (public display of heartache). But here's how to handle it with care.

Guy meets girl. Guy dates girl. Girl dumps guy. Guy morphs into a crazy ex-boyfriend. He might call you every night and beg you to take him back. Or he could go in the completely opposite direction and totally ignore you. But here's the thing: No matter how a guy acts after you break up with him, the fact is that he's hurting. It's no fun getting dumped!

So remember, even if he acts like it's no big deal, inside he's secretly dying. Here are the four most typical post-breakup guy behaviors. Deal with them the right way and you'll not only help your old flame get over the fact that he's been snubbed, you'll also save yourself the pain of putting up with an ex who's making you nuts.


HOW TO DEAL: Whatever he says, if a dumped dude keeps calling his ex, it's a play to win her back (or to keep tabs on who she's hanging out with). To keep your ex from sucking up your cell minutes, just say, "It's too painful for me to talk to you right now. I need time." Okay, so he's the one who needs time — but he doesn't realize it. If you put a stop to the talking, you'll be doing him a huge favor.

HOW TO DEAL: If a guy is talking trash about you, it's probably because he's really busted up about your split. He still has feelings for you, but since you hurt him, he wants to hurt you back. To shut him up, get him alone and tell him that you understand his motives for being mean, but it's not helping his case with you at all. If that doesn't work, move on with your life — he's the one who'll look bad, not you.


HOW TO DEAL: Big romantic gestures are a last-ditch effort of the truly desperate. So if your ex texts, IMs, e-mails, or leaves you a pathetic voice mail begging you to be his forever, don't respond — and don't make fun of him. You might find yourself in the same situation someday, and you wouldn't want karma to come back and bite you when you put your heart on the line, would you?

HOW TO DEAL: If your ex starts totally ignoring you, it's most likely because seeing you is just too excruciating. You might think you're helping by reaching out to him and explaining yourself, but you're not. You're only prolonging his pain in an effort to make yourself feel better. Give him time to nurse his wounds alone. He'll eventually get over you — and you'll get over feeling bad for him.

Being the dumper can be just as hard as being the dump-ee. But no matter how bad you may feel for your ex, remember that you ended it for a reason. It's natural to want to help him recover, but the best thing you can do is leave him alone. Whatever you do, never get back together just because you feel bad. If you do, he'll be the same guy you dated, hated, and then dumped — again. And you deserve more than a never-ending game of relationship yo-yo.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Smart Questions That Will Super Charge Your Life

One of the most effective ways to achieve success is to ask yourself the right questions. When we ask ourselves a question, we always come up with an answer. Ask yourself “Why does this always happen to me,” and you’ll get an answer. But if you ask yourself “How can I have a great day today,” you’ll also get an answer. Which answer is going to empower you more? You got it. So why not ask yourself smart questions that will make you happier, more confident, more powerful, and more successful?

The world moves fast, our many interests are constantly being seduced by TV, the Web, and the omnipotent presence of marketing. Here are some questions you can use to keep you on the rails that lead to success.

How to Use Smart Questions?
My recommendation is to take your favorite 5-10 questions from this list, write them down and post them near your desk, your bathroom mirror, the visor in your car and on the back of your cellphone. Pretty soon you’ll have them memorized and you’ll find yourself using these questions to filter out the wheat from the chaff.

The other way to use these questions is to take one question per day or per week. Write it down on a few yellow stickes and place them where you will see them all day long: by your bed, in the bathroom, in your car, at your desk and so on. Do this and watch the magic unfold!

1. What do I want to accomplish today?
2. What is the most important thing I need to do today? (Do it first!)
3. Is this the best use of my time right now?
4. What am I trying to accomplish right now?
5. What can I cross off my list by deleting or delegating? What is not important?
6. What can I do right now to take the next leap instead of the next step?
7. Who can I learn from today?
8. Who can I thank today?
9. What am I grateful for?
10. How can I eliminate distractions right now?
11. What are my top 3 current goals?
12. What is most important to me in life?
13. If the my world was going to end within one year, what would I be doing right now?
14. What will I do today towards my major goals?
15. What action can I take instead of worry right now?
16. Who should I thank today?
17. Who needs some love today?
18. How can I be a kinder person today?
19. How can I have more compassion today?
20. What can I do right now to release negative energy in a positive way?
21. What can I do to let go of my anger?
22. How can I put worry on hold right now?
23. How can I choose happiness right now?
24. What can I do to slow down today?
25. What am I learning right now?
26. What beneficial routines can I start today?
27. What will I do, see, explore, or experience today that is new?
28. How and with whom can I partner today to make 1+1=3?
29. How can I be more compassionate today?
30. What will I celebrate today?
31. What God wants to show me today?
32. What did I learn today?
33. What God wants me to do today?
34. How will I make today great? How do I define great?
35. What can I stop holding/clinging to help me break free?
36. How can I let go with peace?
37. Who can I help today?
38. How can I add Peace to the world today?
39. What’s the most powerful thing I can do right now, today to increase my business/ knowledge?
40. What have I been avoiding that I can do today?

What are your favorite empowering questions?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

2008 Tarakan Youth Mission - Part 2

Praise God for I've settle down and everything have finally ended 2 weeks ago. 11 of us already fulfilled what God wants us to do.

I would say this mission trip gives me a lot of stressful moments. But these stress are not beyond my ability. This load comes from accountability to Parents, working with youths, their safety, their passport and their behaviors, accountability to the church of Tarakan. All these I have to make sure it’s working well and able to balance.

I do believe God's way is one stone kills many birds not just two. Whoever involve in the spiritual realm, we all should be learning something throughout this trip. Like Parents, Church Staff, Youth & Congregation. !! God is Great and Brilliant!!

I’ve been molded by God though out this trip rather than just head knowledge. The areas of molding are patient, gentle, and slow in anger and self control. In many times all these are necessary spiritual fruits that I needed along the trip. Other than that I’ve learned to be more courageous to lead even though theirs empty resources. My only resources is from God the Spirit.

The Greatest joy is not about how well I lead or how much I've acheived but rather seeing the youth came back safely and seeing God have imparted something important into their lifes. That is coming back to the heart of God or more.

This coming weekend our youths will share testimony and showing Video Clip during our Worship Services.

Praise be to God.